Dave flight of the conchords
Dave flight of the conchords

"Women like three things: Men in kilts, Southern Comfort, and Chris Isaac's 'Wicked Game.” You gotta try honesty, it works the best."

dave flight of the conchords

Then after that they're like "Dave, will you marry us?" and I was like "Excuse me, but I don't think monogamy is legal in this country, I dunno where you're from". And then I just gave it to them hard, and that's the best way to go. They were like Swedish or Korean in my shop and they were like "Dave, we want to have a five way with you". I mean, you know it's always the best policy, like the other day there was five, well maybe it was like four, really hot foreign chicks. in America, if you want to spend some time with the ladies, you've got to show them some sausage." He is frequently the source of sage advice on women and dating. Dave is a Pawn Shop owner and friend of Bret and Jemaine.

Dave flight of the conchords